고사양의 작업을 하려 구매했던 맥북인데 더이상 자주 쓰지 않게 되어 판매합니다. 년식은 좀 있다 생각하실 수 있는데 합리적인 가격과 모든 외부,…
121.Best Time to Buy and Sell StockYou are given an arraypriceswhereprices[i]is …
103.Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order TraversalGiven therootof a binary tree, retur…
1523.Count Odd Numbers in an Interval RangeGiven two non-negative integerslowand…
45.Jump Game IIYou are given a0-indexedarray of integersnumsof lengthn. You are …
352.Data Stream as Disjoint IntervalsGiven a data stream input of non-negative i…
1061.Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent StringYou are given two strings of th…
1519.Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same LabelYou are given a tree (i.…
100.Same TreeGiven the roots of two binary treespandq, write a function to check…
144.Binary Tree Preorder TraversalGiven therootof a binary tree, returnthe preor…
149.Max Points on a LineGiven an array ofpointswherepoints[i] = [xi, yi]represen…
1143.Longest Common SubsequenceGiven two stringstext1andtext2, returnthe length …
198.House RobberYou are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a str…
70.Climbing StairsYou are climbing a staircase. It takesnsteps to reach the top.…
124.Binary Tree Maximum Path SumApathin a binary tree is a sequence of nodes whe…