1689.Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary NumbersMedium890633Add to L…
1423.Maximum Points You Can Obtain from CardsMedium4205155Add to ListShareThere …
630.Course Schedule IIIHard293977Add to ListShareThere arendifferent online cour…
215.Kth Largest Element in an ArrayMedium10397548Add to ListShareGiven an intege…
1642.Furthest Building You Can ReachMedium189455Add to ListShareYou are given an…
820.Short Encoding of WordsMedium733275Add to ListShareAvalid encodingof an arra…
1268.Search Suggestions SystemMedium2674146Add to ListShareYou are given an arra…
745.Prefix and Suffix SearchHard1901446Add to ListShareDesign a special dictiona…
364.Nested List Weight Sum IIMedium995299Add to ListShareYou are given a nested …
244.Shortest Word Distance IIMedium877267Add to ListShareDesign a data structure…
968.Binary Tree CamerasHard280932Add to ListShareYou are given therootof a binar…
5.Longest Palindromic SubstringMedium182971084Add to ListShareGiven a strings, r…
1048.Longest String ChainMedium4650195Add to ListShareYou are given an array ofw…
163.Missing RangesYou are given an inclusive range[lower, upper]and asorted uniq…