구인 분류

[K-Move] JC&Company- Administrator (MBA Team)

컨텐츠 정보


안녕하세요! 코트라 실리콘밸리 무역관 K-Move에서 구인 공고 소식을 전해드립니다.

* 이력서 제출 : kmove@kotrasv.org (기업명과 포지션을 꼭 기입해주시기 바랍니다!)
* 커리어 매칭을 위한 이력서 제출도 위 이메일로 해주시기 바랍니다. (채용시 마감)

JC&Company is a Law & Accounting firm located in Irvine, California with CPAs and attorneys who fully understand the complex business environments and needs of clients, and has worked with many corporate and private clients.
Through offices in both Irvine, California and Gangnam, Korea, we strive to communicate more intimately with our clients, and offer a 1:1 personalized service through professional networks spanning in and out of the country.

The accounting team under JC&Company takes care of corporate and private clients who have expanded into the United States, offering a variety of consulting services relating to accounting and taxation, and is the core team leading the growth of JC&Company.
The marketing team is responsible for the operations of the U.S. Attorney John Chung YouTube channel which delivers content on U.S. tax laws, accounting, and economy news and coordinates the production of varied video content, including cooperation with various experts for collaborative content, content filming at broadcasting centers, and seminars at various organizations.
The BD team is responsible for the sales operations of clients in the U.S. and Korea, assisting in operations spanning from taxation counseling to final contracting. The team also oversees general operational assistance, contract drafting, package proposals, and market research.

회사명 JC&Company
포지션 Administrator (MBA Team)
지역/위치 Irvine
이메일 kmove@kotrasv.org


댓글 1
구인 267 / 8 페이지





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