아파트 / 하우스 렌트
하우스 분류

Pacifica 6BR Vacation Rental (Sleeps 16)

컨텐츠 정보


비치타운 파시피카에 위치한 6BR 3BA 2840sqft 하우스입니다, 여러가족이나 친구분들이서 놀러오기 좋은곳이에요 :)


House features
- Tranquil mountain views!
- Sleeps 16
- 3 King & 5 Queen beds with luxury Helix Midnight mattresses
- 85in flat TV
- Chargepoint Level 2 EV charger
- High end Olhausen pool table
- Extra spacious open concept living room
- Large master suite with an oversized bathroom that has both a freestanding tub and an enclosed shower
- Fully stocked gourmet chef's kitchen with 11 ft island with spacious dining area
- Expansive deck with a BBQ grill and outdoor seating
- Great Wifi coverage
- Enclosed office room with a Herman Miller chair, an electric standing desk, a monitor, a mouse, and a keyboard
- Wash/dry machines in garage
- Famous area for surfing, fishing, crabbing and mountain biking

Located in the serene canyon of Park Pacifica.
- Only 3 miles to Pacifica State Beach famous for surfing
- Only 3 miles to the world's most beautiful Taco Bell Cantina right on the beach
- Walkable to Frontierland, biggest park in Pacifica. Just a half a mile away. Perfect for picnics and biking. Great playground.
- Just 1 mile to Pacifica trails famous for hiking and mountain biking
- 11 miles to Daly City Bart (subway) Station that has plenty of parking for your San Francisco getaway
- 16 miles to SFO airport
- 14 miles to San Francisco Golden Gate park
- 15 miles to San Francisco Mission Dolores park

지역/위치 Pacifica, CA
이메일 thewhalestalepacifica@gmail.com


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전체 560 / 2 페이지





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